Postnatal Care



Approximately six to eight weeks after birth is described as the postnatal phase. This is the time when you begin caring for your baby, and while this is an extremely happy phase of your life, your body will have undergone certain changes. Unfortunately, some women may even experience postpartum depression due to the drop in hormones progesterone and oestrogen. In addition, thyroid hormones may drop as well, causing you to become sluggish, tired and depressed. Therefore, it's critical that you address these issues should you experience any of these symptoms with Dr Kalwiba at your follow-up appointment.


Certain expectations may occur with a postpartum body. For example, typical symptoms during the postpartum phase include body aches due to the contortions and pushing at the time of labour, vaginal discharge (lochia), which is leftover mucous, tissue and blood from the uterus and swollen feet. In addition, you may develop sore and swollen breasts that are full of milk for a day or more. Stomach pooch, which occurs when the lower abdomen droops, is also to be expected—the pooch forms due to distension and a lax abdominal wall. Furthermore, pregnant women will likely develop stretch marks, varicose veins and back pain.

With a vaginal delivery, the perineum (the region between the anus and entrance of the vagina) can tear. The perineum may also tear during an episiotomy, a surgical procedure that entails creating an incision via the perineum. Another way of reducing the risk of tearing the perineum is to apply warm compresses to the area during labour.

Pelvic floor muscles also weaken as a result of the weight of your baby, which increases pressure in this region. The pelvic floor muscles facilitate and control bladder function. When these muscles weaken, it’s typical to develop urinary incontinence.


Your OB-GYN conducts timeous physical and pelvic exams to ensure your body is healing well after giving birth. It can take approximately a year for the body to lose weight. However, you can discuss anything from weight loss goals, diet, pain, discharge, moodiness and incontinence with Dr Kalwiba during this time.


1What does postnatal care entail?
You need to include information about your birth partner, where you would like to deliver your baby, the positions needed to be initiated during labour and the type of pain medication you would consider. In addition, further details like placenta delivery, feeding, skin-to-skin contact and delayed cord clamping need to be added.
2How long is postnatal care?
Postnatal care can last up to six weeks/42 days after giving birth.
3What does every mother need during the postnatal phase?
  • Pads
  • A Sitz bath
  • Heating pad/bottle
  • Pain relief spray
  • Breast pump
As a compassionate and experienced clinician, Dr Kalwiba firmly believes that evidence-based medicine is what the patient truly deserves.