Fertility Workup



The late teens and twenties are when a woman is most fertile. Fertility declines as soon as a woman ages, more so after 45. After 45, it becomes harder to fall pregnant naturally.

Infertility is defined as the inability to fall pregnant after twelve months of sexual consistency. Therefore, an infertility evaluation can identify or confirm infertility in a couple and work toward finding a solution in order to conceive a healthy baby.

Possibilities of female infertility include issues with ovulation, which is a problem affecting most women. However, secondary factors such as smoking, exposure to harmful chemicals or radiation, weight problems, and hormonal imbalances affect fertility in women.


A fertility workup involves offering a fertility evaluation to women at risk of infertility or those who suspect they are infertile. Women over 35 are mostly encouraged to undergo the evaluation, especially if they fail to fall pregnant after six months of trying.

Dr Kalwiba will carry out a thorough medical history, including aspects related to the patient’s fertility. The information gathered includes the patient and her partner’s fertility in order to assess compatibility and sexual health.

Afterwards, your OB-GYN conducts a physical exam with a focus on the examination of the pelvic area, thyroid gland and breasts. In addition, further tests focus on the ovarian reserve, structural defects and ovulatory function that affect a woman’s fertility.

Imaging tests are done on the female reproductive organs to detect issues that play a role in a woman's fertility. These tests are carried out to capture detailed images of the reproductive structures. The results of these images should provide further clarity on noticeable disorders affecting fertility.


After a fertility evaluation, you will be required to wait for the results of your physical exam and tests. Should the cause of infertility be identified, treatment can commence soon for the couple to conceive naturally or through artificial insemination or surrogacy.


1How does age impact fertility?
With age, the vitality of the ovaries and eggs declines as well. As a result, fertility begins to decline after 30.
2When should I get a fertility evaluation?
You should get an assessment if, after 35, you cannot fall pregnant even after engaging in sexual intercourse for six consecutive months.
3Does male fertility also decline with age?
Yes. A man’s fertility also declines as he gets older.
As a compassionate and experienced clinician, Dr Kalwiba firmly believes that evidence-based medicine is what the patient truly deserves.