Antenatal Care



Antenatal care is comprehensive medical care delivered throughout the pregnancy. Antenatal care, commonly referred to as "maternity care”, is provided to assess the health of both mother and baby in preparation for the delivery/due date. Therefore, it is important to begin antenatal care as soon as you become aware of the pregnancy.

Antenatal appointments are critical to ensure your baby is developing well. Screening helps detect conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) and preeclampsia that can potentially complicate the birth.


Antenatal appointments are appropriately spaced in accordance with your pregnancy. Medical checks are timed to assess you and your baby's well-being. This specialised form of care ensures optimal medical care with a reduced risk of complications.

After confirming the pregnancy, it’s critical to see your OB-GYN in order to schedule appointments at specific intervals while you are pregnant. Several scans, checks, and tests are carried out to determine when the baby is due, the trimester you are in at the time, and what this means.


During every antenatal visit, Dr Kalwiba will assess your blood pressure, perform a general health check and measure your growing belly in order to determine how well the baby is developing.

After the first appointment, your full medical history will have been recorded, and a comprehensive physical exam will have been completed. A full medical history takes into account the patient’s obstetric history, surgeries, and HIV screening, which are completed throughout the duration of the pregnancy, to determine whether you are a high-risk patient. In addition, he peruses your list of chronic medications, allergies, family history of disease and the patient’s social circumstances.

Dr Kalwiba will answer any concerns about the delivery or the pregnancy journey. However, it's critical that you attend these antenatal appointments timeously in order to prevent a high-risk pregnancy.


1Can I expect an internal exam at this time?
No. A vaginal (internal) exam is not done until you go into labour. However, a membrane sweep may be requested at the end of the pregnancy.
2What is a membrane sweep?
Membrane sweeping involves your midwife or doctor placing a finger just inside your cervix (neck of the womb) and making a circular, sweeping movement to separate the membranes from the cervix to induce labor.
3Does someone need to accompany me when attending my antenatal appointment?
You can attend your appointment by yourself or take your partner or family member with you.
As a compassionate and experienced clinician, Dr Kalwiba firmly believes that evidence-based medicine is what the patient truly deserves.